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How to create a custom report in Opera 5.6 for a list of arriving guest's email addresses.

Eddie Lee

The goal of this custom report using Opera's Simple Report writer is to export a list of guest names and email addresses. The list will be for guests arriving in within a date range selected when the report runs and must have an active reservation.


  • Opera 5.X

  • Permissions to the setup section of reports.

  • Some experience in the navigation of Opera.

Go to setup on the PMS application and choose Configuration.

Then Setup, Report Setup, and then Reports.

Click New.

Name your report something meaningful. Choose the options checked off below. "Simple Report", name the file anything you wish, Language, leave the destination as "PRINTER" (this is the process not an actual printer), and report group as "Reservation". Then choose "Customize".

Leave the default settings and choose Reservations under "Views".

Now we will select the columns of the information you would like to see.

I'm only selecting the basic columns in this example but you may add more if desired such as Language, Country, Reservation ID, Arrival Date, and so on.

Now we need to create a filter to only show reservations that are active (not cancelled), have a valid email, and arriving within a date range.

Choose "Arrival Date" and then "Modify". Now choose "Between" and set the Business Date and "Parameter" "From" and "To". This will allow you to choose a date range. Then "Save".

Now we will modify the filter for Email so we don't include reservations that are missing email addresses.

Choose "Email" and then "Modify".

In the lower section choose "Is Null" and then under the Modify button, press "Not". Then "Save".

Lastly we will make sure the reservation is still active by checking if the status is not cancelled.

Choose "Cancellation", then "Modify", select "Is Null" and then Save.

At this point, you can choose "Preview" and you will be prompted for the Arrival date range.

Your preview will look similar to this:

You may now close all your windows and the report will be saved.

Congratulations. Your report is now ready and can view the reports under "Miscellaneous".



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